mandag den 28. november 2011

Rescuing Children from the Carpet Baggers

· In Uttar Pradesh: The centre for rural education and development action (CREDA) supported by the united nations development programme and the national child labour projekt are running special schools.

· CREDA helps to access funds from the goverment, so they can found a school.

· These special schools:

Give education

Give some money to the parents (Rs 100 pr. month)

The teachers aren`t lazy

No discrimination of poor people or girls

Activities such as sport and group activities

Free meals

· In UNDP- supported schools: 44 % girls (out of 5000 students)

· It was not easy to get the children away from the carpet industry of Mirzapur- Bhadoi, because:

Parents count on the income of money

The other schools had let them down

The industry was hostile because they didn`t have to pay much to the children.

- Babies

- Children growing up

- Basic rights of children are ensured different rates

- 26 % below the poverty line

- Mothers/women

- Girls

- Child Labour

(- Estimating

* Labour Organization

* Government admits:

* Other unofficial sources )

- Four kinds

- Jobs entrusted child workers

* Hazardous jobs:

* Others:

- Work places condition

- Common features incidence

- Factories Act¨

The literacy of India
The law of India

Why india's poor pay for private schools

The public school system in India, is not a good system

  • One teacher have to teach 55 students in a variation of 1-5 grade.
  • The teacher have long commutes every day
  • Learn English in 6. grade
  • Teacher in English can’t speak English
  • No pres from the parentes

Privat school

  • Teacher with a college degre
  • Learn English in kinder garden-
  • Better reader than Government schools.
  • Teachers can be pressed by parents


  • Want; English, science and math in the schools
  • Their children to learn more.

A prime minister in India wanted to create a elite, that could teach the rest. They wanted their own doctors, lawyers, engineers, and other profs.

Nearly 2 % of India’s incomes were spent on elementary education

One said "There is no work without english"

Even goverment school teachers belive that private school children are smarter

mandag den 21. november 2011

Caste Struggle

- many various religions (Hindu 83%, Muslim 11%, christianity and sikhs 2%)
- Hinduism: They believe that you build up karma from your previous life -and take it into the next life. They believe that you are born to be in a certain rank, which include that you can't marry someone, who isn't in your rank.
- Cast system started around 1500 BC
-"cast" means race, breed og lineage
-there are 3000 casts (high) and 25000 subcastets (low)

Brahmin - Priests and teachers
Kshatriyas - Warriors and Rulers
Vaishyas - traders and cultivator
Shudras - Labourers and Servants

The dalits are unrecorded
They got the bad jobs
They are victims of violence, rape and harassment
India has a dalit president, so they got better conditions.
REDS: Rural education for development society

The literacy of India
The law of India

onsdag den 16. november 2011


Så er emnerne fordelt og jeres valg betyder at følgende grupper er dannet:

Religion and Caste: Rasmus, Julie S, Christian P, Kasper

Education and Children: Tobias, Nikolaj, Nanna, Cecilie

Women: Ida, Louvisa,Julie L , Kristina, Sidsel

India's transformation and globalisation: Emil, Mikkel, Morten J, Morten M, Christian K

GOD ARBEJDSLYST I DE TO TIMER I KOMMENDE UGE - husk nu at få aftalt lektier - jeg har foreslået lektier på lectio, så I ikke glemmer det...

tirsdag den 15. november 2011


1500 BC: The first groups to invade India were the Aryan tribes, who came from the northwest from Central Asia.
1192: Muslim power became more permanent.
1498: European nations established settlements for trade with India.
1600: The history of the British in India begins. (A small group of men set up the East India Company).
Until the beginning of the 18th century (1700): Turkey retained power.
1769: The East India Company had gained control of all European trade in India.
By the 19th century: Britain had assumed political control of all Indian lands.
In the second half of the 19th century: India’s struggle for independence began.
In the early 20th century: Mahatma Gandhi began to influence of protest, which eschews violence absolutely as a matter of principle.
July 1 1947: The British Parliament passed the Independence Bill.
August 15 1947: India was free!

Planen for Indiens forløbet

Introduktion af Indien og vores blog - oprette klassen som administratorer
inddeling i 4 grupper - 2 x 4 og 2 x 5 personer:
4 mands grupperne arbejder med enten: "Religion and Caste" eller " Education and Children"
5-mandsgruperne arbejder med "Women" eller " India's tranformation and globalisation"
Gruppens tekster udleveres til gruppen i papir men alle gruppers tekster er uploadet i India mappen.
Der gives 2 x engelsk modul til gruppearbejde og forberedelse af gruppefremlæggelser.
Første emne der præsenteres er: "Religion" og andet " Education and Children" - grupperne præsenterer deres tekster - gerne med visning af relevante indlæg / gadgets uploadet på bloggen her - og hele holdet har læst en relevant tekst til dagen : skrives i Lectio som almindelig lektie.
Herefter ses uddrag af "Slumdog Millionaire" og der arbejdes med uddrag af teksten dertil.
Det næste emne der præsenteres er " Women" og derefter " India's transformation and Globalisation" som ovenfor beskevet og der læses relevante tekster af hele holdet.
Derefter ses uddrag af filmen "Monsoon Wedding" og hele India emnet afrundes og evalueres.
En gruppefremlæggelse forventes at vare omkring 20 minutter og alle gruppedeltagerne skal bidrage.
Der indgår skriftligt arbejde i forløbet: se opgaver

mandag den 14. november 2011

India at a Glance - facts about India

After lessons about these texts groups will send their notes about the most important things to know about the climate + the geography of the country upload 1. a map of India - on which we can see the different states.
Other students will work with the timeline of the settlements in India and the most important events leading up to today and write 2.the timeline - here perhaps after having collaborated in Google docs. We also want to have an old picture of 3. a Muslim "Moghul", 4. extra information and/or an old picture of "the East India Compagny",5. pictures of India during the British Empire/ India as "The Jewel in the Crown" ,6. a picture of Mahatma Gandhi, 7. short film or pictures of the diversity of India today.

All these things will help build up our blog about India and make us begin to wonder about this vast country and its history