mandag den 5. december 2011


Wome's chores

exsisted for centuries

more succesful


Dowries - "love" gift

Bindi- bindu-kumkum

Arranged marriages

The arranged Marriage process

The rare women

- A family (Harpreet and Surinder) tells:

- 3000$

- “it is our choice as individuals”

- Common attitude

- Least middle class

- 1000 men, only 796 girls

- Lon history of female infanticide

- Watering someone else’s field

- Rather 2,000 rupees than 200,000 rupees later

- Very hush-hush

- Only 300 cases since 1994

Case of the stolen boys

- - Keya Bhattacharjee

- - Healthy boy put into an incubator

- - Not allowed to see her son

- - After two weeks handed back a girl

- - Nurses accused

- - DNA-tests

- - Other stolen baby boys

Working Women.

· Working women.

· ReRepresented in all occupations.

· Take care of children, cook, be a family maid, a tutor, a nurse and work.

· Mines, make pots, weave and plough land and harvest crops

· Smaller wages.

· Had to work even when then pregnant, nursing or carrying a child.

· Highly educated and independent women in the big cities (Delhi, Mumbai e.g.)

· Caste – upper-caste and lower-caste people.

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