mandag den 5. december 2011

Slumdog Millionaire

Slumdog Millionaire
question for the groups: each group must make a copy of these questions and then open a new group document in this file and paste in the questions and answer them in your own group document - all group members must participate in writing. USE WHOLE SENTENCES WHEN YOU WRITE YOUR ANSWERS

Page: 7 - 9

1. Describe the children’s clothes and establish Jamal and Salim’s ages here!
The children wear rags. They are bare-footed. They basically have very little to no cloth on..
Jamal is seven years and Salim is nine years.

2. Explain what the children are doing there and what happens suddenly!
The children are playing cricket near an airfield. Salim throws a ball, and just as Jamal tries to catch it, a big airplane almost hits him. The plane knocks him over.

3. Describe what the slums are said to look like here, give details written in your own sentences
The slums are really dark and are maze-like. there are many shacks
The houses are build on top of each other, also over the lanes.
A lot of people live here, so they have to have a lots of shops.

4. Explain what people the children are passing are doing - find at least 8 activities
They pass a boy who is pissing in the drain.
They pass people at stalls.
They pass the shops, where people are selling items and watching out for their livestock.
They also pass sleeping people.
need 4 more

5. Notice what one person seems to stand out from the rest of the people and explain how we can see that
He is an upper class foreman, and he is well respected
He stands out because he has a Mercedes, instead of walking like everyone else.
he drives because he is the to “man of” the slum
He wears a beautiful suit

6. How would you characterize the two boys’ behaviour in this situation? and what makes it change?
They act different because of thin the air. ????
The situation where they are running through the maze: it seems as if they are at “home”
The two boys seem to have a lot of fun, when they are running through the slum
They have respect towards their Mother. They behave when she shouts.

7.Try to figure out what the teacher is talking about when he say “ So the musketeers return”
“Trouble is back”
They usually come late
They are someone who fight crime
A Musketeer is a noble statues, ??? it is like in the Three Musketeers: they are a team.

Page: 13 - 16

8. on the basis of the “toilet” - incidence try to describe the two brothers’ relationship to each other - how do they differ from each other? ( notice what each brother does in this situation)
They are making business
(taking a crab)
The brothers are very close, because they are teasing each other

9. Discuss and try to find an answer for Jamal’s action when locked in and why he is the “happiest boy in the slum”.
Because he gets the autograph from the famous person, therefore Jamal has the feeling of being special.
The autograph “gives” status.

10 explain what Salim does in the end of this extract
Salim steals the autograph. He sells it for money, because he is very jealous at his little brother.This is a way for Salim to get back at his brother Jamal.

11. Discuss and sum up how these two texts extracts can be related to today’s theme “children and education”
In the text we have heard about children working. Jamil and Salim have the job to take money for people’s use of the primitive toilet

Page: 20 – 25

1. explain the place, the surroundings and the atmosphere at the beginning of this scene
The atmosphere: the children are playing, they are enjoying themselves. Its happy
The children’s mother: is tired and there is an uncomfortable atmosphere.

2. examine the name “Krishna” on Google and figure out how this playmate is different from Salim and Jamal
Krishna is a Hindu and Salim and Jamal are Muslims
The people who are coming running are angry Muslims

3. explain why the approaching danger is hard to recognize and also identify what the danger consists of?
because of the noise of trains

4. Explain Krishna’s sudden change in behavior towards Jamal and Salim.
He wants to protect himself from Salim and Jamal.
The boy does it because he doesn’t want to be killed.

5. Make a list of the confusing images that the brothers see on their way away from the dhobi
They see the rioters killing their mother.
Little blue boy.
Burning houses.
Little girl with gashes and pants.

6. Explain the episode with the teacher: Jamal’s relief and what actually happens – explain why this happens.
The teacher is one of the rioters - a Hindu
He deceives the children.

7. Explain the police’s behavior in this situation and discuss why it is like that.

8. Discuss how we can see that Salim is older than Jamal in the situation on p 23 – second half.

9. On the basis of the last part of your text explain about Salim’s look upon the girl and upon himself now.

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